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The Dedham SEPAC is a volunteer group of parents/guardians who care about special education.   We gather to share the experiences we need to become empowered participants in our children’s education.  Our combined voices help make sure that parents’ priorities are front and center on our school district’s agenda.

If you are not familiar with the Dedham Parent Advisory Council, please consider joining us!  The Dedham SEPAC can help parents and guardians have the tools they need to be successful advocates for their children.  

Children with special needs are all unique.  Some may have physical or cognitive challenges ranging from limited mobility, impaired hearing, vision or speech and language challenges, sensory issues, and/or social and emotional challenges.  Others may have attentional, academic, and/or executive functioning challenges. That said, all children have one thing in common.  They need and deserve full access to the educational opportunities available in our schools and community, and they are guaranteed this access by Federal and state law.  

A tremendous networking resource for parents, friends, and guardians interested in special education, the Dedham SEPAC holds regular meetings and sponsors educational workshops and events pertaining to special education related topics throughout the school year.  Information regarding SEPAC activities, including times and locations are sent by each individual school, and posted on the District website as well.

Participating in the Dedham SEPAC is a great way to meet other families and stay abreast of what is going on in the Dedham Public Schools as it relates to special education, as well as other community opportunities and resources.

SEPAC Charter

State law mandates the existence of a Parent Advisory Council in every school district.  Our duties under the law include, “advising the district on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities and meeting regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of the school district’s special education programs”.

SEPAC Mission

  • Support an innovative educational environment where children with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities.
  • Build a network for parents/guardians of children with special needs for sharing information and discussing matters of interest.
  • Maintain a dialogue with the community to encourage understanding, respect, acceptance and inclusion of children with special needs.
  • Promote and enhance communication   between parents/guardians and school administrators and staff.


  • Provide regular opportunities for meaningful dialogue between parents/guardians and our school system.
  • Work in partnership with school administrators to plan, develop, evaluate and improve special education programs and their delivery.
  • Provide opportunities for parents/guardians and school personnel to participate in professional development and in-service training.
  • Offer outreach and support to members of the community.
  • Provide education on the rights of students under special education law and on how to develop effective educational plans.
  • Keep current with legislative actions and inform our members and the wider community.

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