The Student Services Department of the Dedham Public Schools oversees Special Education, English Language Education, Student Health and Early Childhood departments in the Dedham Public Schools.
Additionally the department ensures compliance with the 504 process in the district and supports homeless and foster students. Supports provided through the Student Services Department continue to be aligned with the established regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and policies and laws for educating students with limited English proficiency.
Contact Student Services
Executive Assistant: Trish Sullivan
Financial Analyst: Barbara Barrett
Compliance Secretary: Susan Hanney
ETL ECEC: Dianna Parr
ETL Riverdale and Greenlodge: Jacqueline Smith
ETL Oakdale and Avery: Andrea Tuttman
ETL Dedham Middle School: Meghan Armstrong
ETL Dedham High School: TBD