Teaching Supports
Shared Resources And Common Language For Teaching.
Shared resources and language represent the third element of Dedham’s instructional framework. A guaranteed and viable curriculum coupled with common curriculum based assessments set the stage for powerful practice and high levels of student learning. With these elements in place, we can then begin the process of identifying resources that are (a) consistent with our instructional vision and (b) effective in supporting student learning. As we identify shared resources that meet these basic criteria we must also build a shared language for teaching and learning. Shared resources ensure that (a) faculty and staff have a dedicated and vetted set of tools to draw from as they plan and execute learning opportunities for students (b) faculty and staff are able to focus less time on tracking down resources/materials and more time thinking about differentiating for and engaging all students, and (c) students throughout DPS have similar experiences and build a shared understanding of and language for learning.
Time For Collaboration That Focuses On Tasks Directly Relating To The Instructional Core.
The first three elements of the framework are driven by professional teams who have the time and training to engage with colleagues in evaluating (a) student performance (b) the overall efficacy of our curriculum, and (c) the resources we use to deploy that curriculum. Collaboration happens throughout the day but is guaranteed during “common planning times” where grade level teams meet during a scheduled time of day at least once per week to discuss teaching and learning. During these dedicated times of day, teachers work with an instructional leader to look at student work in service of making adjustments to practice that respond to student needs.
High Quality, Sustained Professional Learning Opportunities That Are Grounded Directly In Day To Day Work With Students.
The preceding elements of the district’s instructional framework are predicated on the assumption that there is a robust and systematic professional development structure. Dedham’s professional development structure is driven by and responsive to the needs of students and teachers as identified by rich, multi-faceted sources of performance data and reflect research based practices that sustain professional learning over time.