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School Facility Use Requests

Requests will be considered for 3 months out from the date requesting. Any requests for more than 3 months out will be declined

How To Request Use of Dedham Public School Facilities:

  • The requesting organization makes a New Facility Use Request online for each event. An event may be a single date or multiple dates for the same activity. For example, a practice occurring every Monday and Wednesday from November 5th through December 26 is a single event.
  • The request is routed to the applicable school district officials for review and approval. Once the request is reviewed, the event contact person will be notified via email that the request is either confirmed or denied.
  • The event contact person is responsible for informing the business office at least 72 hours in advance of any changes and/or cancellations to the schedule to avoid being charged for the rental.

Register for an Account

All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create a user account. You can do so by clicking the Register icon below. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful you will receive an e-mail confirmation. The video and Quick Start Guide below will provide additional information.

First Time Users Only

icon to register


Tutorial For Account Registration:

Log-in and Reserve

Once your account is created you can start making facility reservations.

Click the Log in icon below. The video and Quick Start Guide below will further explain the reservation process.

Already Have An Account?

log in request icon


Tutorial For Reserving Space: