Social Media Terms of Use
Dedham Public School District’s social media accounts are intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and the Dedham Public Schools on various school and community-related topics. Our social media channels are not the appropriate place to report an incident, expect a dialogue about issues or policies, or ask questions that should be directed toward a specific school or central office department. We do not monitor our social channels on a 24/7 basis.
Public Records Law
Under Massachusetts law, all content on Dedham Public School’s social media pages, including social media comments, replies, and private messages exchanged with Dedham Public Schools are part of the public record and are subject to Massachusetts Public Records Law (G.L.c.4, § 7(26)). All content is archived, including comments edited or removed by the citizen or moderator.
By becoming a fan/follower/subscriber of Dedham Public Schools, your information and comments may be a matter of public record. The District may be required to retain this information in accordance with the State of Massachusetts retention schedule.
Moderation of Third Party Content
Dedham Public Schools reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of these guidelines or any applicable law. The District’s intent is not to create a public forum, but to maintain a moderated online discussion (a limited public forum) directly relating to the topics posted by the Dedham Public School District that are appropriate for citizens.
The District’s social media content, posts and comments, when permitted, shall not contain any of the following and will be removed as soon as possible:
- Comments not topically related to the particular social media article
- Content in support of or opposition to political campaigns or ballot measures
- Profane or vulgar language or content
- Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, or physical or mental disability
- Sexual content or links to sexual content
- Links to or references to commercial websites, spam or any third party website unless posted by the District’s approved authorized staff users for links to partnered/sponsored organizations, confirmed governmental agencies or other legitimate organizations as the District deems appropriate.
- Conduct or encouragement of violent or illegal activity
- Personal or character attacks
- Content that violates a copyright, trademark or other legal ownership interest of any other party
- Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems
- Content containing personal identifying information or sensitive personal information
Dedham Public Schools may ban repeat violators from posting to the District’s social media accounts, as well as remove comments at any time.