Assessment systems are built around those outcomes that an organization or school district determines to be central to their existence. For the Dedham Public Schools these outcomes are:
- Academic Achievement
- Social and Emotional Learning
- Student Engagement
- Health and Wellness
- Community Satisfaction
Universal Screening And Common Assessments. Universal screenings and common assessments are designed to (a) assess and monitor student learning and progress relative to established standards and learning outcomes, (b) generate student performance data that teams of professionals can plan and differentiate instruction effectively and (c) provide timely, meaningfully performance information using tools that are efficient and maintain high levels of time in learning.
In Dedham, District Data Teams consisting of central office administration, principals, coaches and elementary team leaders convene bi-weekly to review elementary student learning assessments in the core academic content areas of reading, writing, and numeracy. School leaders take the data sets back to the building level, where principals, coaches, and teachers gather to analyze the data and make instructional decisions about how to make adjustments to practice.