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STAR Program

The S.T.A.R. Program at the Greenlodge School provides intensive support and instruction for  students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disabilities and related disorders. This program offers  comprehensive systematic and structured behavioral teaching approaches, complementing academic  instruction, social pragmatic and social emotional support. To this end, highly experienced staff  provide a balanced curriculum that includes academics, art, music, physical education,  technology, and life skills education. Services such as speech/language, occupational therapy,  physical therapy and adaptive physical education are provided by licensed specialists. 

Educational instruction is designed to meet the individualized learning styles and needs of all  students, aligned with each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). The curriculum is  multi-sensory and thematic, allowing students to explore, practice, and apply concepts across the  school day and across all environments. Aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum  Frameworks, students in the STAR program participate in Mathematics, English Language  Arts, History & Social Sciences, and Science & Technology/Engineering. 

Using the evidence-based principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Board Certified  Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) provide training to teachers and staff to respond proactively to  prevent target behaviors and intervene when target behaviors occur. Routinized training of staff  is provided on specific behavior plans and any data collection required to track and assess target  behaviors and programs in place. Assessments can include preference assessments, functional  behavior assessments,  and functional analysis.

Students participating may exhibit one or more of the following characteristics: 

    • Difficulties with all aspects of organization and academic production. 

    • Difficulties with social/peer interactions 

    • Hyper-focused patterns of interest 

    • Sensory regulation challenges 

    • Difficulties with attention and/or focusing  

Specific services provided in the program include but are not limited to:  

    • Access to a highly structured and predictable environment with clinical and behavioral  support provided across the school day 

    • Provision of significant adult support for addressing academic, social, emotional, and/or  behavioral needs 

    • Blending of academic, daily living, and vocational skill development

    • Provision of multi-sensory, research-based academic instruction to meet individual  student needs 

    • Opportunities for peer modeling and other inclusion opportunities targeted to build on  student strengths  

    • Speech/language services, occupational therapy, physical therapy and adaptive physical  education provided by licensed specialists.  

    • Individual and small group counseling 

    • Consultation, assessment, and direct services provided by Board Certified Behavioral  Analysts; Functional Behavior Assessments, preference assessments, etc.  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) methodology designed into individual Behavior  Support Plans designed to promote positive behavior. 

    • Ongoing communication and collaboration with families. 

Finally, consultation and coordination between special educators, related service providers,  BCBA’s and classroom teachers ensures that consistent approaches are utilized across settings to  promote academic skills, language and socialization. A new outdoor classroom offers an  additional learning space for all curricular activities. 

The upper and lower STAR classrooms are typically staffed with one classroom teacher and one assistant for one or two students.

The STAR program comprises a multidisciplinary team, which includes:

  • ABA-trained special education teachers

  • ABA-trained instructional assistants 

  • Board certified behavior analyst (BCBA)

  • Speech therapists

  • Occupational therapists

  • Physical therapists

  • Adaptive physical education teachers

All members of the STAR team have extensive experience working with students on the autism spectrum.

Contracted services include: 

  • Alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) specialists

  • Assistive technology (AT) specialists

  • Orientation and mobility specialists (O&M)

  • Teacher for visually impaired (TVI specialists)

  • Feeding specialists


The elementary STAR students participate in annual assessments (ABLLS/VB-MAPP) that identify the students’ strengths and areas of need, as well as providing ongoing progress monitoring. 

All students participate in formal evaluations every three years as part of their tri-annual assessments. In addition, students participate in ongoing preference assessments, ABC data collection, and functional analyses/functional behavior assessments to ensure behavior plans are up-to-date and effective. Beginning in grade 3, students are evaluated on MA state standards via the MCAS Alternative Portfolio System.

Methodology includes a combination of supported inclusion, discrete trial training and/or 1:1 instruction, small-group activities, incidental teaching and community learning. The program is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with a focus on reinforcement systems and consistent behavior management programs. The goal of the program is for students to increase their independent skills in all areas including academics, recreation, social, communication skills, self-care, motor skills, and behavior management, as well as the generalization of these skills. Program components and methodologies are outlined below.

Due to the highly individualized nature of the program, the STAR staff accesses a wide variety of interventions and instructional programs. Some examples include:


  • Accessible Literacy Learning Reading Program (ALL), Early Literacy, Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB), Early Reading Skills Builder (ERSB), Early Intervention in Reading (EIR), Reading Mastery, PCI Reading Program, Edmark Reading Program, The Picture Exchange Communication Systems


  • Early Numeracy Curriculum, Number World, Connecting Math Concepts, Touchmath


  • News2you, Science A-Z


  • Model Me Kids, Skillstreaming, Social Thinking, Social Express, Teachtown