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Special Education

Special education programs within the Dedham Public Schools are designed to ensure that eligible children receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.Dedham Public Schools are dedicated to ensuring that every child, 3 through 22 years old, has the opportunity to make solid and meaningful educational and career choices post graduation.   Our staff work together to share resources, create an atmosphere where children remain our central focus; feeling safe and challenged intellectually, with the ultimate goal that a self-assured, respectful, honest, responsible, and compassionate young adult will develop and generalize the skills they need for future independence.

Dedham Public Schools maintain a continuum of services for eligible students with special needs. Services include modifications and accommodations provided within the general education classroom to support children with special needs in general education, specialized instruction in special education classrooms, substantially separate special education programs, and related services. Related services include speech/language, occupational, and physical therapy, psychological evaluation, assistive technology, specialized consultation, behavioral supports, and school adjustment counseling.

District special education programming conforms to the requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a federal education program enacted in 1975 to improve educational opportunities for children with disabilities, as well as to the requirements of the Massachusetts Special Education Regulations. 

Contact The Special Education Team

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Dr. Sara Stetson
Office of Special Education, Central Office