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Section 504

Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Section 504 provides:

“No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance . . . .”

Student Plans Comparison

Dedham  Public Schools does not exclude from participation, deny the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, active military/veteran status, marital status, familial status, homelessness, ancestry, ethnic background, national origin, or any other category protected by state or federal law in the administration of its educational and employment policies, or in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Dedham Public Schools requires all members of the school community to conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner, consistent with this policy, with respect to all other members of the school community.

Public schools have the responsibility to overcome, insofar as possible, any barriers that prevent children from achieving their potential.  The public school system will do its part.  

Read More about Dedham Public Schools Nondiscrimination Policy