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Facilities Use Regulations & Instructions

The use of public school facilities for school-related purposes will take precedence over all outside use, and such use is exempt from all charges with exceptions as noted and defined.

Rental Policy Regulations and Instructions

School facilities will be used according to the regulations and rental fee schedules established in this Policy. The School Committee retains the right to deny the use of school facilities to any group if it deems the use is detrimental to the interest of the community or interferes with the operation of the schools. School Committee reserves the right to make changes, deletions and / or additions to this policy if deemed appropriate for the School Department.

1. Implementation: The Superintendent of Schools, or his/her designee, is responsible for the implementation of this Policy and shall have the final decision in all scheduling.

2. Fee Class Definitions: The following three classes of eligible users have been established.

  • Class I – School.
  • Class II – Non Profit Dedham Community Youth Groups, and Organizations: This includes any non-profit groups, or organizations who are Town of Dedham residents. Examples of this Class are: Dedham Youth Football, Dedham Youth Basketball, Dedham Youth Lacrosse, Dedham Youth Soccer, or other similar groups, as deemed appropriate by the School Committee.
  • Class III – All other groups, organizations and activities: This includes all groups, organizations or activities which do not meet the requirements of Class I or II, including individuals, private and commercial groups, societies, religious organizations, non-profits and registered public charities.
    Dedham rate or Full costs may apply.

2023 - 2024 Facility rental fee schedule

3DEDHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS FUNCTIONS TAKE PRIORITY over all other requests. In the event of a scheduling conflict, approval of event is contingent upon factors such as availability, suitability, overbooking, staffing, or other conflicts.

4. REQUESTS for use of school facilities must be submitted at least THREE (3) weeks in advance of the proposed event.

5. If AUDIO/VISUAL SERVICES / (Lighting, Sound, Film, or Video Projection, etc.) are required, you MUST submit your request specifying these details at least six (6) weeks in advance. You must contact the Audio/Visual Director of that facility BEFORE filing this application to ensure that these services can be provided and staffed.

6. The applicant will pay a RENTAL FEE according to the School Committee Policy. This fee is to be paid no later than seventy two (72) hours prior to the event. CHECKS can be made payable to DEDHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS and sent to Dedham Public Schools c/o Administration Office, 100 Whiting Avenue, Dedham, MA 02026.

7. A separate fee will be paid for the CUSTODIAL/FACILITY FEE. They will provide you with a written invoice, payable within 72 hours. NOTE: SET-UP and CLEAN UP TIME will be INCLUDED.

8. The applicant, or designee, agrees to be present PRIOR TO, DURING AND AFTER THE EVENT. The school facilities shall only be made available for the hours shown on permit (open and close times). Renters must abide by these times and the Superintendent’s Office may stop any event that has gone past the permit time. No rental shall begin before 8:00 am or extend beyond 10:00 pm without approval from the Superintendent’s Office.

9No liquor, no smoking on school property. Eating or drinking of any food /beverage is not allowed except in the cafeteria. School kitchens are NOT available. No OUTSIDE VENDORS.

10. For student events, applicants must provide sufficient ADULT supervision. Events that require the use of the Ladies room at the High School or Middle School may require a matron to be in attendance.

11. Applicant must hire POLICE DETAIL - one officer per 200 spectators (200 plus may require additional police). Applicant must adhere to ALL MUNICIPAL AND STATE SAFETY CODES. Public OCCUPANCY must not exceed the number on the OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE.

12. Staging, outboard electrical equipment, special effects equipment, additional lighting, additional power, etc., must be approved by FIRE, Health and Building Departments 48 hours prior to the event.

13. ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE TIMES: The school facilities shall only be made available for the hours shown on permit (open and close times).  Renters must abide by these times and the Superintendent’s Office may stop any event that has gone past the permit time. No rental shall begin before 8:00 am or extend beyond 10:00 pm without approval from the Superintendent’s Office.

14. EQUIPMENT USE – No equipment shall be used by renters unless it is specifically listed on the approved rental application. Organizations wishing to bring equipment into schools as part of rentals shall make arrangements at the time of the rental application, and such equipment shall be removed by the end of the rental period. The Dedham School Department takes no responsibility for any equipment brought into the schools.

15. The Cost to repair any damage as a result of USE / MISUSE will be charged to applicant. After the event, the facility must be restored to its ORIGINAL CONDITION (complete removal of floor tape, posters, props, scenery, equipment, etc.).


17. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in forfeiture of fees and any future right to rent or use the facilities.