Town meeting approved $263,000 to complete the “updated designs and feasibility study” - what did the additional funding pay for?
What is being done to keep children playing on the Oakdale soccer and baseball/softball field from Cedar Street traffic?
We are concerned with a seeming lack of proactive communication with the Oakdale community and abutters. Can you address this perception?
The current layout seems the same as the combined school and it takes up the entire Oakdale field, why did the architect not develop a substantially different design?
The proposed design surrounds one abutter’s home on three sides. What has been done to ameliorate the burden on that family?
At the time the SBRC decided against building at Oakdale for the ECEC in 2015, was it because it would involve swing space?
I am concerned that the cafeteria is open and directly adjacent to the school entrance, similar to the Middle School, which implicates both safety and noise concerns.
Will retaining walls be built to address the fact that the property currently slopes downward from East to West? Will retaining walls require a lot of maintenance?
Will the site still be accessible from Monroe and Lincoln Streets and will such access points be handicapped accessible?
Will the new Oakdale school placement affect the water table or adversely impact neighbors already dealing with water in their basements?
There is concern within the community that this MSBA funding could potentially be lost if the Town does not agree on one of the presented enrollment options. Is this true?
Does the Town need to choose a particular plan prior to a vote? Will Town Meeting vote on the proposal?
Can Dedham apply to the MSBA for funding to address the deficiencies of another school? And if so, what is the timeline associated with that application?
Can the MSBA overrule the decision of the SBRC and School Committee once an enrollment and siting decision has been made?
With more and more families moving to Dedham and the number of students attending these schools increasing, where are we going to be in 5 years? 10 years? Do these enrollment numbers allow for growth?
Does Dedham Public Schools have a projection for student populations in the future? Is there a projection for each school population in 5 years? 10 years?
I don’t have children who will attend any of the three schools that are potentially involved in the Oakdale project so why does this matter to me?
Have any previous studies considered taking the money allocated for a new school and instead using that money to renovate the three existing schools?