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Oakdale Elementary Building Project

The current Oakdale Elementary Building Project will explore ways in which the Town can capitalize on state funding to improve and update Dedham’s Oakdale Elementary School facilities. The project has explored all potential construction opportunities, from the reconstruction of the Oakdale School alone, to a broader plan with multi-site review and a different approach to elementary school configuration.  

Oakdale Elementary building design fly-through video - Presented at July 8, 2024 SBRC meeting.

Latest Project News & Information


The Dedham School Building Rehabilitation Committee (SBRC) held a hybrid public meeting for Town Meeting Representatives and community members on October 28. Members of the project team, School Department and Facilities Department provided an interior tour of the Oakdale School, presented a progress update, and answered questions about the project. On November 18, Town Meeting will vote to approve or reject the proposal to build a new Oakdale School. A Townwide vote to approve or reject is expected to be scheduled in early 2025.


Read More about SBRC Meeting Update from October 28, 2024 - Community Meeting

As part of a warrant hearing on Monday, October 8, members of the project team presented a budget and design update for the Oakdale School Elementary Building Project to the Finance and Warrant Committee. The presentation included details on the current state of the Oakdale School, the schematic design for the new school, and the expected financial impact of the project.

Read More about SBRC Presentation to FinCom

Meeting Schedule

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Community members can use this email to reach members of the SBRC, School Administrators involved in the project, and Project Consultants all in one place. Given the number of emails sent, we may not be able to directly respond to each one individually. 

Thank you for sharing your input and thoughts!

*Please note that all communication is subject to MA Public Record laws.

Ongoing Site Improvements Coming Soon

Thank You For Your Patience.

As we switch all our District and School websites into this new, updated format we are working to add updated, re-organized information.

Some pages and materials may not be posted yet but will be added shortly.