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Handbook & Policies

School Committee Policy Manual

This manual contains the official policies of the Dedham School Committee; the major regulations intended to implement policy; and certain reference or "exhibit" documents that relate to policies and/or regulations.  Policy development in a modern, forward-looking school system is a dynamic, ongoing process.  New problems, issues, and needs give rise to the continuing need to develop new policies or to revise existing ones.  

Access Full School Committee Policy Manual Online Here

The manual is organized in accordance with the classification system developed by the National School Boards Association.  This system provides an efficient means of coding, filing, and finding policies and other documents.  There are 12 major classifications each assigned an alphabetical code:




Student Handbook

The Dedham Public Schools' Family and Student Handbook is designed to provide the community with detailed information about the day to day operations of our seven schools, student learning and life within our schools, and the processes and procedures by which the district ensures a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. 

It would be impossible to address in this handbook every situation that could arise during the school year and its related extracurricular/enrichment activities.  The administration will develop and implement additional procedures and policies that they see necessary in operating the school.


Handbook By Topic

Locker & Storage

Each DHS/DMS student is provided with a locker and a lock. Students are not allowed to share lockers.

Lockers and desks are to be treated as school property on loan to students.

Master keys and copies of combinations are retained by the school. Personal locks are not authorized to be used on lockers. Unauthorized locks will be removed. The replacement charge for lost locks will be six dollars.

Certain items may not be stored in lockers, desks, or other receptacles. This would include weapons, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, stolen property, etc.

The school retains the right to inspect lockers and desks at any time for compliance with these rules and to maintain safety, health, and sanitation standards.

Valuables are not to be stored in lockers. Dedham Public Schools cannot assume any responsibility for lost or stolen personal property. Valuables that must be brought into school should be brought to the main office for safekeeping. For proper security, students should keep lockers locked at all times and not divulge the combination to anyone.

Since student lockers are the property of the Dedham Public Schools, they may, if necessary, be searched by a school administrator.


School Property & Materials

All items of school property lent to a student become the responsibility of that student. All such items  must be returned in usable condition. Allowance will be made for reasonable wear. If items are returned  in abused condition, a fine will be assessed. Failure to make restitution will result in the withholding of  the privilege to use school property. All school property must be returned before final exams or  graduation.

Schoolbooks and IPads are “loaned” to students, and always remain the property of Dedham Public Schools. It is expected that the book will be cared for in a reasonable fashion. Students should sign their  name on the book label in the front of each book when issued. The responsible student will be charged  for lost and/or damaged books. Students who fail to clear up financial obligations receive an invoice  during the summer..


Student Owned Technology - DMS

Cell Phones

Cell phones are not allowed to be in the possession of or used by students to make calls, send text messages, take photos or record audio/video of any kind during school hours. Should a student need to make a phone call, they may do so at the main office. Should a parent require a student to bring a cell phone to school, the student must power down the cell phone upon entering the building and secure it in his/her locker. 

Should a student choose to use his/her cell phone during school hours to make calls, send text messages, take photos or record audio/video, the phone will be confiscated and turned into the main office. Sanctions for use of cell phones are articulated below: 

  •  First Offense: The assistant principal or principal will meet with the student and the phone will be returned to the student.
  • Second Offense: Parent/guardian will be notified, the student may be required to serve an office detention, and the phone will be returned to the student.
  • Third and Repeated Offenses: Parent/guardian will be notified and asked to come to school for the purpose of meeting and establishing a plan for success moving forward.  The student may be required to serve an additional office detention.

 The school day runs from 8:05 am - 2:35 pm.  This policy is in place for the safety and security of students and the building.  In case of emergency, parent messages can be given to the student during the school day.


Student Owned Technology - DHS


Classroom cell phone policies are at the discretion of the classroom teacher.